Hey, I’m Jack Bohannan

Certified Recovery Coach, Somatica-Trained Relationship Coach

There are 2 women who tell my story… 

And several hundred men.

In lieu of the usual About Page, I honor them here:

To my former partner of 20 years, thank you!

I learned so much from our time together. Your insistence on my emotional presence (and the complexity of our processing) healed, challenged, frustrated, and tempered me. 

I credit you with my ability to support women in their grief, rage, and disappointment. You have my apologies.

Your complex trauma and brilliant career as a therapist taught me how to communicate when someone is at their growth edge — when a person is volatile and tender with longing, fear, and impossibility. (cough, cough, me; cough, cough, you)

I hope that you received even 1% of the benefits you’ve bestowed upon my life.

To Crazy Girl, thank you!

Watching your wild spiritual experience — on our first date! — opened my eyes to the power of femininity and gender polarity. You blessed me. You put lighting bolts up my spine. 

Thank you for standing in the rain and declaring your love for me (and your hate! And love!) just hours after our initial meeting. Thank you for swooning in ecstacy, for falling down in a puddle of mud giggling, and for trusting me based on our eye contact alone.

I am so grateful for the grace with which you surrender to your love, your song, your womb, and your depth of your emotionality — that I will never understand but will always revere.

It wasn’t a long time, but it was a good time! 

May that first date (and our trip to Cartagena!) echo into the cosmos forever.

To the brothers I’ve sat with during thousands of hours of men’s work, thank you.

You held my feet in the fire until the pain left my body. You cleared my eyes with the smoke of white sage. Our circles straightened my spine. Big love.

‘Vulnerability’ is a buzzword that fails to encapsulate our experience of being open, honest, powerful, direct, and courageous in the presence of the unknown. 

Our nights together — even moreso than the tens-of-thousands-of-fucking-dollars I’ve spent on therapy — enabled me to relate well with myself and with women.

And I honor YOU — my future client!

It’s a privilege to support you in the frustration and ecstasy of your romantic connections.

Whether you’re a woman seeking to heal her “masculine wound,” or a man desiring deeper connection and better sex, I’m so grateful for your courage, self-compassion, and beauty. 

If you’re ready to invest in the most important parts of your life (more love and better sex), you can connect with me for some free guidance on a Zoom call.

Please know that I’m just some guy.

But I’m fortunate to have a few sets of tools to transform how people relate to themselves and the opposite sex. 

You can learn more about the Somatica method on their website or you can…