The Solution for Retrograde Masculinity

Photo by Scott Webb

Published 2022


If you’re a follower of Andrew Tate — click away. You’re already gone. You’re idolizing a sex trafficker. I’m sorry to lose you.

If you’re a fan of Jordan Peterson — stick around. But please know that guy never gets laid.

If you’re a David-Goggins-type dude — you’re probably cool — but stop punching yourself in the head and screaming at the mirror. It’s weird.

There’s another way to be a man.

And there are better ways to deal with how the world is today than leaping back in time to find an avatar for what we think men were like 100 years ago.

Yes — the World DID “Cock Block” Men

For about 30 years.

Men still made more money during those 30 years. Sure.

But the male identity got molested and suppressed along the way.

And the thing is, you can’t suppress identity. Especially not when it’s wired into your biology. And you sure as hell can’t suppress testosterone. Because that shit is lightning in a bottle.

However, in the name of peace and love, progressive society tried to quash masculinity, which, ironically, is a pretty toxic-masculine thing to do.

Along the way, an important baby (a boy) went out with the bathwater.

And by 2015, it was vaguely “not okay” to be a man.

Illustrative Story:

I saw an ad for a $120 vibrator that’s also a stylish lamp. How weird would it be if I was fucking my lamp? And proud of it?

The Problem of Retrograde Masculinity

We were raised by women.

We were raised without strong fathers.

We were raised to push down all the drive and life inside of us and become “good boys” who comply with a version of masculinity defined by women.

Fuck that.

Let men decide who men are. Let each individual decide for himself or herself. Doing otherwise handicaps society.

And it’s even HARDER for us now…because women changed

Women are demanding new tricks. They’re competing with us for jobs. They’re mocking us for approaching them — or even when we try to give them what they want.

Our female partners want “vulnerable communication” after 30 years of a woman-minded society castrating men.

As a man, you have every reason in the world to say “fuck this.”

So say it.

But don’t disempower yourself by what you do next.

Don’t follow Andrew Tate and hoard a bunch of stupid money on some boyhood mission to get a Bugatti. Or chase your boner around trying to find soft things to stick it in.

That’s not a healthy way to be a man.

Don’t obsess over how women are acting (or not acting) — or tell them they shouldn’t have the same rights to work, pay, and do whatever they want.

That’s not a healthy way to be a man.

Don’t fixate on tough-guy feats of strength meant to impress other people and have no other purposeful outcome.

That’s still not being a man.

If you do those selfish things, you’re still trying to prove your worth.

And if you do those things, you’re probably trying to prove your worth to impress/access women, which means women continue to determine your identity.

As stated above, fuck that.

Where Jordan Peterson is Right

“Pick up your responsibility. Pick up the heaviest thing you can and carry it,” says Peterson.

Take on the hardest, most important task you accomplish with your short time here on earth and accomplish that task. Or die trying.

Sacrifice yourself to your task like Jesus on the cross.

Be responsible for yourself. Claim your power. It’s okay to be a man.

This part of his message is powerful and valid. It’s desperately needed by our suffocating generation of men. Yet…

Where Jordan Peterson is Wrong

Then dismiss the rest of Jordan Peterson’s BS.

Don’t tell women who to be or what to do. And don’t spend a single minute worrying about transgender people.

The CORRECT reaction to another person’s gender orientation is indifference.

Another person’s gender/sexuality does not affect you, Jordan.

Carry on.

Peterson contradicts himself, contradicts democratic ideals, and contradicts Western ethics when he imposes top-down definitions of how people should be.

Go live in 19th-century India, Jordan.

Or Soviet Russia.

You can’t tell people who to be.

That’s not freedom. You cannot define who and what people are — especially women.

Likewise, women can’t tell men who THEY should be

We — as men — can no more tell women who they are than they can tell us who we are.

It didn’t work when women prescribed a soft version of masculinity for a generation of boys. You got incels instead of progressive gentlemen.

And it goes both ways.

Women don’t need to stay sequestered in the home to preserve some “ideal” life of the 1950s. It wasn’t ideal.

If women want to be paid equally (because… no shit) — and they don’t want to be harassed, you damned better believe men who are secure in their identities will fiercely support them.

Because men who are secure in their identities don’t need control over women. Our lovers are not our mothers. There’s no need for their approval — no zero-sum power game. We have nothing to fear.

There will always be a woman who will love you and fuck you — if that’s what you want. There are a lot of women in the world.

If you’re not getting what you want from women, you might need to adapt. If you don’t adapt — if you don’t evolve — you won’t likely die, but you might not get what you want.

Ultimately, it’s going to be okay if women get their needs met.

A worst-case scenario

Say Peterson is right — Suppose Feminists “kill” the nuclear family

They overturn our family structure entirely and we have to… I dunno… live in communes? Space-ape sex tribes on Mars?

The good things wouldn’t end. People would figure out a way for love, sex, and food to keep existing. We aren’t going to stop loving each other if everybody has the freedom to do what they want.

The death of the nuclear family (mom-dad-children) just isn’t going to happen. But if it did — in some crazy alternative universe — we’d be okay. New structures would arise. They always have. Men won’t be subjugated. We’d probably have more, better sex with a greater variety of women. That’s one thing feminism has given men: more sex.

But right now, young men are led to believe they’re being subjugated by women when actually they’re struggling to know which direction to grow.


Grow in the direction of getting laid.

I say “getting laid” in every sense of the word.

Do what feels truly best. Be of service and fill your life with the ecstasy of having a mission bigger than yourself.

Engineer the sexual connection YOU want — not what pornography leads you to desire.

Stand atop the mountain. Find the great love of your life and live the rest of your days on your terms — not Jordan’s, not Tate’s, and not women’s. Not mine.

And yes — we may need to adapt and “upskill” (as they’d say in the HR department.)

If the game changed, learn the new rules and play hard. Put on new muscle.

We may need to build more meaningful identities for a new reality of empowered women.

We may need to call on our survival skills. Explore a new wilderness. And conquer… ourselves.

We may need to be men.

But for those of us who sit at home alone and pout that it’s not the 1950s… believe me, shit’s gonna get grim.


Dead @ 35