Relationship Coach for Men & Women

I help you deepen your connection with the opposite sex — for better intimacy, more empowerment, and delicious relationships

“It’s damned hard to have an awesome relationship right now…”

Yes. That’s true. 

And it’s 100% possible. 

With the right tools, you can absolutely find alignment with your ideal partner.

In fact, more connection is possible now than ever before in human history.

Ready to create some phenomenal new experiences?

Let’s get started.

Hey, I’m Jack Bohannan

I’m a relationship coach supporting men and women in creating deeper, sexier connections with themselves and their partners.

Whether you’re losing your mind with dating, not connecting with your current lover, or can’t access your sexuality/power, I can help. 

I’m a certified coach and sexologist in training.

But — honestly — my biggest qualification is my 20-year relationship with a woman who was a psychotherapist. It was hardcore communication training. 

You can read more about this, men’s work, and my primary modality (The Somatica Method) here:

The Polarity Unscripted Podcast

I’m Traveling the World to Interview 101 People About Masculinity, Femininity & Relationships Across Cultures

A wild experience in Colombia sparked my interest in gender polarity. 

So I started a podcast.

The Polarity Unscripted Podcast features 101 conversations about our lives as men, women, or “humans who define themselves otherwise.” Because when we understand the magnetism of attraction, we can create more connection with ourselves and others.

If you want more chemistry in your relationships or are struggling to reconcile progressing gender roles, this is the podcast for you. 

It’s cool to just listen to people talk.

Women: Heal Your Masculine Wound

Generations of women have experienced unimaginable trauma because of the ignorance, greed, and fear of men. 

If you’re one of these women, your relationships probably feel blocked and distrustful. You may attract the same type of partners over and over.

Yet deep healing comes when you work with a safe man. You can reestablish boundaries, reclaim your sexuality, and release the rage, grief, fear, and disappointment that comes from having yourself taken away from you.

Men: Learn Women Better

These days, it can feel like there’s no “right way” to be a man. 

Worse still, the Dating & Relationship Game seems designed specifically for YOUR failure.

I help men connect with their power and authentic self in a way that opens new doors with women. By shifting your perspective and communicating differently, you can revolutionize the quality of your relationships, sex, career, and sense of self.